PROM LoanMaker® Products

New LoanMaker 23a iPhone App  

LoanMaker products are designed for professionals in the lending business.

They contain precise, federal and state-by-state methods of calculation for credit insurance and interest charges, Truth-in-Lending Federal disclosures, and related calculations.

See Description of Installment Loan Calendar Systems for details on calendar systems (some products do not offer all systems).

Product Description iPhone Apps Web

LoanMaker® Loan Calculation Programs

Installment Loans with single-premium credit insurance with prorate capping, gross & net insurance, including truncated.
(For all 50 states).
23a i23a
Installment Loans with MOB/ Debt Cancellation insurance .   i23p
Automotive Leases
27a i27b
LoanMaker SP
Computes regular, irregular and skip payment loans.
  LMSP & i23d

APR Check and Loan Validation Programs

APRChecker Routines
Validates the APR and other Federal Regulation Z disclosure items.

 LoanMaker WebServices

Our installment loan calculations are now available as WebServices. The LoanMaker WebServices products computes installment loans with credit life and disability insurance.

In addition to running on client PC's with a web browser, it is also designed as an Engine, to be run in the background from either a front-end or back-end system. Computed results are returned in XML format.

Virtually any kind of installment loan can be computed -- skipped payments, pickup payments, irregular payment amounts and/or patterns, and optional balloon payments.

Multiple insurance or debt cancellation plans can be included.

For detailed information about this product,
see PROM WebServices.
