Product Help

Detailed product specific support for many of our products is available on the product description page.

You can reach all product descriptions pages from the drop down selector on our home page.

For many products, you can get a current copy of the User's Guide at this page.

Technical & Computational Support

If you have a question about computations, or the results you are getting with one of our products, there are some items to check.

Many of our programs have a number of options that can be set by the user. These should be checked carefully to make sure they are at the intended setting.

For iPhone/iPad Apps (such as the LeaseMaker Pro), review the help screens for details on these settings.

For WebService products, review the documentation and parameters that are being transmitted.

For Apple Applications and Handheld Calculator products, the User's Guide will have a detailed listing of the settings and how to change them.

If your computational question regards credit insurance, you should also check with your insurance company or agent to verify that the insurance rates and methods are set correctly.

If you are originating loans for a lender, check with the lender to make sure the product is correctly configured.

Handheld Calculator Battery Replacement

To change batteries, you should first have the replacement batteries at hand (two CR2032 Lithium batteries are required which are readily available at local stores) and a small screwdriver to remove the two screws on the back of the calculator.

Make sure you install the new batteries in the same polarity (plus and minus) as the original batteries (this is shown on a diagram on the inside of the back cover).

Click here for detailed instructions on changing the handheld calculator batteries.

If you have a program from Promsoft, LLC, configuration information is always available in the product User's Guide. (If you have a program from another software company, you need to contact that company for further support.)
